- How many steps are adding up on your pedometer? (I took ____ steps in ____ days)
- How is your weight loss going? (I have lost _____ lbs in ____ weeks or months)
- How about other goals? (have you found healthier eating and fitness habits, did you shed inches from your waistline or drop a pant or dress size?)
I think it would be a good idea to record something positive here at least once a week. You can even personalize it by saying something like, "This week I decided to drink an 8 oz glass of water before any other drink of juice or anything, and so far I'm doing pretty good."
Well, I will look to see responses every Friday, so if it's not there at the start of the week, we won't bug you, but maybe we'll send out an auto-reminder to everyone on Friday if I don't see all the posts. Maybe... we'll see how it goes.