Saturday, June 21, 2008

Our Goals

Welcome to Health @ Heart! I think it would be a nice idea for each of us to start out with a personal goal. What areas would you like to improve in your health? Doyou have any plans to help you get started? Are you doing anything already to work towards these goals? You can be as specific or as general as you like.


LypheWriter said...

My goals are sort of simple.

1. Learn healthier eating and excercise habits and put them into practice for myself and my family by the end of summer 08. Then I can add/modify as time goes on.

2. Improve my amount of time spent doing things that are fun and relaxing, while also getting things done that needto be done (which will require soe time management).

3. Move down to a size 12, eventually. I would like to be in a size 16 by the end of summer, a 14 by Christmas, and a 12 by this time next year. That way, it can be gradual, but it is also specific. Where am I now? An 18! So, I have a ways to go, but it's what I want, and have it, I shall.

4. On a slightly different note, I would also like to get back to my love for writing. This would likely do wonders for me, if I can make myself find the time.

The warden said...

I have achieved one of my summer goals. I walked to Chicago by way of walking and using an eliptical exercise machine. I walked 180 miles between May 5 and July 4. I must say it was not easy, but when I think of walking 180 miles, it makes me feel great especially at my age.

Another goal that I have reached this summer is to weigh less than 150 pounds. When I retired last September, I weighed 164 pounds. Today I weigh 149 pounds. The last pair of pants I bought (a couple of weeks ago) was a size 10. I cannot remember wearing a size 10 since I was in junior high school.

I still have goals to reach. Some are specific and others are somewhat general. It is important to have goals and also important to keep them as specific as possible, so that I know when I have reached each goal.
1. A lifetime goal is to keep the weight off. (general)
2. Continue to work on healthy lifestyle/eating habits.(general)
3. A weekly goal is to complete at least 50 minutes of cardio 5 days a week and burn 100 calories in 9 minutes. (I can burn 100 in 10 min now)on the eliptical. (specific)
4. Strength train 30 minutes 5 days a week. I now do 4 days a week. (specific)

KeliBean said...

My goals are to

1. Journal my food intake 6 days a week, and eat 5 servings of fruits or vegetables each day.
2. Walk 5 days a week for an hour.
3. Do yoga at least twice a week for 20 minutes.
4. Do pilates at least twice a week for 20 minutes.
5. Incorporate strength training into my fitness regimen twice a week.
6. Cook dinner at least once a week so my son doesn't have to live on chicken nuggets and hot dogs :)

narahoskins said...

A few of my goals are:
1.Continuing to develop a close relationship with God(spendng tme with him thru-reading the bible and praying atleast 15 minutes daily)
2. Walk 4 days a week for an hour.
3. Toning my stomach(want it flatter-lose the excess fat.
4.Drinking 4-6 servings of water a day.
5.Lose 15 -20lbs and keep it off(be a sixe 6 or 8).
6. Making life changes that reult in a healthy lifestyle and healthy eating habits.