Saturday, June 21, 2008


Hi! I want to welcome you to Health @ Heart, a place where members can share hopes, concerns, success stories, ideas, information, and more with regard to healthy living. My mother and father (and many other family members) have gotten me to thinking more about my health lately, and I am starting this blog with hopes that this may continue to fuel the slow burning flames, and perhaps the same fire will catch on with others...

My dictionary defines health as soundness of body or mind / a condition of well-being.

First, how has my family gotten me to thinking about my health? Mainly by example. I see the lack of fitness in my life as it compares to a presence thereof in the lives of others. I also see my hopes for my 11 and a half month old daughter growing up with good eating habits, good exercise habits, and an overall healthy lifestyle.

I have tried various times (some more successful than others) to get myself set straight with regard to healthy living. Now, I believe I know some things that will work for me, but it is always good to have support and assistance and to give the same to others. That is why I am trying this blog.

My cousins and I have talked about sharing healthy recipes and other ideas, so I thought this migh be a good way to help us do that. If it becomes something more, so be it.

So, what brings you? Share your thoughts here by clicking on the "comments" link, or you can share your thoughts as a comment to the "Our Goals" post as well.


KeliBean said...

Hi everybody,
I think this is good idea. Lets try it :)

LypheWriter said...

Thanks. I hope it will help those of us who need or would like a little extra support/advice/information to help in our efforts to "get right" :)

narahoskins said...

I love this! Hey I did 3 miles today! Yeah!!! I walked for 20 minutes around 7:20 wanted to do an hour but I had the kids. They rode heir bikes and Zsana couldnt keep up and her legs got tired so on to Plan B!I cam home and did a 30 minute cardio tape and 10 minutes of abs! I really feel good! Im sore as heck but it IS worth it. IM ON A ROLL!